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Skin Treatments & Lash LIfts


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Skin Treatments


Customized Facial Treatment

Jacqueline Skincare strongly believes in customization for each service. I will adjust your service each time you come in for an optimal outcome and experience This facial is expertly personalized to your skin type, needs, lifestyle, and season. There is no need to pick and choose from a menu of facial treatments because each time you come in I will do a skin analysis and adjust your service for an optimal outcome and experience. This treatment will addresses a variety of skin concerns such as premature aging and wrinkling, sun damage, acne, loss of vitality, tone and radiance. This is a results-focused yet relaxing facial that will nourish your skin and spirit. Possible modalities used during your treatment-Customized Masks, Enzyme Peels, Acid Peels, Facial Infusion Peel, High Frequency,  LED, Acutonic Tuning Forks, Extractions, Microcurrent,  Ultrasonic Spatula, Crystals, Essential oils.

$120| 60 Minutes Or $170 | 90 minutes


Microneedling also known as Collagen Induction Therapy or CIT  is a minimally invasive procedure for rejuvenating the skin by using a device with many fine needles that create microscopic punctures in the superficial layer of the skin and then stimulates collagen and elastin synthesis. Results of this process are improved skin’ texture , wrinkles, fine lines and also reduction of scars, pores size and stretch marks and makes the skin smoother and younger looking. This treatment is great for fine lines, wrinkles, loose skin, hyper pigmentation and scars. See before and afters!




Dermaplaning is a gentle, non-invasive form of manual exfoliation of the skin that resurfaces sun-damaged, dull, dehydrated skin. Using a surgical blade, it gently exfoliates the outermost layers of the epidermis to remove dead skin cells, impurities and debris. Vellus hair, also referred to as peach fuzz is also removed during the treatment. This encourages the skin to regenerate new skin cells, leaving the complexion smooth, soft and vibrant.

$120| with nano-needling $165


This treatment reduces fine lines and leaves your skin feeling and looking younger. The procedure painlessly creates hundreds of thousands of superficial microscopic permeations on the surface of the skin, leading to an immediate plumpness. It also allows for greater absorption of the nutrients introduced into the skin during the treatment. See before and afters!

$130| with dermaplaning $165



LED Therapy Treatment

Light Emitting Diode (LED) phototherapy is the application of light energy to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits.  The energy is used to improve cellular performance. Phototherapy is known for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties and has a variety of applications across many medical fields.  Research has shown that phototherapy can:

  • Increase circulation

  • Accelerate tissue repair

  • Decrease wrinkles

  • Decrease inflammation

  • Improve skin tone, texture and clarity

  • Ease muscle and joint pain, stiffness, spasm and arthritis

  • Kill acne bacteria

and much much more. See before and afters!

$40 | 30 min




***An extra 15 minutes for any of these add ons will be an additional $25. 


Lashes & Brows

Lash Lift & Tint

With just one  professional treatment you’ll have a beautiful lash lift that is retained, even after a shower or swimming, that can last 6-8 and even 12 weeks. The technique combines a lifting lotion and silicone rods or pads to lift your natural lashes, making them look longer and fuller. Lash Lift is a fantastic alternative to eyelash extensions and there’s virtually no after-care required! Just wake up and get going with your beautiful lashes. Tinting can help provide a darker, more defined look to the eye area and enhance the lash lift. See before and afters!

Lash Lift & tint $120
Lash lift only $115

Tinting Only

If you just want some tinting to darken your lashes or brows (or both!) then we can do just that! Tinting helps gives you a natural ready-to-go look without the makeup. 

Lashes | $45

Brows | $35

Lashes & Brows | $65